
The Eltrac 471 is a device developed by Enraf-Nonius for spinal decompression through traction therapy, which can provide relief for conditions such as degenerative discopathy or pinched nerves. It measures tractive force constantly during traction therapy and adjusts any deviations immediately to deliver precise, controlled force. The device also allows for accurate setting of motor speed and calculates the length of the treatment. A clear and well-organized menu helps in making therapeutic choices and saves treatment protocols, including combinations of static and intermittent traction. The Eltrac 471 provides real-time feedback of the forces being exercised and enables the user to monitor the treatment session closely. It also includes preprogrammed clinical protocols and a built-in warning system that indicates when a treatment exceeds safe levels of force. The device is user-friendly and offers a comfortable fixation method for the patient, with a roller-mounted surface that prevents friction. The Eltrac 471 is made by Enraf-Nonius, a company with over 90 years of experience in developing therapeutic equipment, and is safe, reliable, and durable. The device is designed to be functional and user-friendly, with a focus on providing comprehensive insight and a clear interface for therapists and comfortable starting positions for patients.


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